21 September 2008


I probably should have known about this earlier...

19 September 2008

About Freaking Time!

Post Coming up about Chavez when I get the time too!

10 September 2008

Obama Strategy Memo

Dear Barack Obama:

Look. I know that the polls right now are in bounce mode and that you are getting all sorts of unjustified panic-style criticism, most of which is probably undeserved. And far be it from this blog to fan the flames with any gross sarcasm or crude humor, but I thouht I'd take this time to give out a little free advice that I am sure no one will read.

Stop trying to tie McCain to Bush. It isn't working and its not going to work. Especially when you make teh argument using what can best be described as "fuzzy math" (Yes, some random organization claimed McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time, but Biden voted with Bush 70% of the time).

Instead, take a lesson from 2004 and start trying to tie John McCain to John McCain. He has been in the senate for how long? And how many stupid things has he said during that time? Bring them back up. All of them. His statements of Roe, his Savings and Loans scandal, taxes, etc, etc, etc.

The simple fact is that people don't know John McCain. They think McCain and they think about his recent anti-earmarks and campaign finance reform. A fair number of people still think McCain is pro-choice for Christ's sake! America doesn't really know what a John McCain presidency would look like.

Show them.

McCain successfully rallied his base with the Palin pick, so there's no worrying about energizing his base by painting him as an extreme conservative. And it fits beautifully into this "McCain is out of touch with America" line that is probably the Obama team's best attack line of the campaign so far. So get cracking.
