27 December 2007

Democrats vs. Republicans.

Rarely have I seen a graphic better sum up the core, true nature of the two major parties better than the Des Moines Register's caucus guides.

The Republicans are all in neat rows, ready to stand up and be counted. You get the feeling that their shoes are shined, their buttons buttoned, their hair slicked back, and ready to salute flag and leader. Hell: you could replace 'em with robots.

The Democrats meanwhile are an unruly mob of people standing around random signs. They apparently have a half hour in between when the congregate and when the action is allowed to start, presumably because freaking hippies can't be on time for anything.

Coming up soon, a new feature.

22 December 2007

An aside

This is really off topic. It probably goes on the "if anything else is on my mind" section of the NewsBlues description. But the Iowa caucus is just 11 days away, and well, I am feeling nostalgic:

William. You so sexy.

Of course. It still can't hold a candle to this:

20 December 2007

Alberto's Back!

<--Man. It's been a while since we last saw your sorry face.

Now, Alberto "I can't recall" Gonzalez didn't exactly have a reputation as being the most, er, competent of Attorneys General. But if there is one thing I trust this man has the ability to do it is deny knowledge of a scandal. So imagine my shock when reading about the destroyed CIA tapes scandal on CNN and reading this:

Lawyers representing Gonzales refused to comment to CNN on whether he had any knowledge of the tapes while he served as White House counsel or what advice he may have given regarding them.

Lawyers representing Gonzalez?! Now I am no legal expert. But I though the Attorney General was meant to be this government's top lawyer. And while I understand that doesn't necessarily mean he'd make a good corporate or even torts lawyer, I would expect that he should be able to comment on the legality of destroying CIA tapes, being that, well, it was his job to determine the legality of destroying CIA tapes. And we know for sure that he is capable of denying knowledge of just about anything on his own. What gives?

PS. the Chavez post is coming at some point. Don't you worry.

09 December 2007

Anyone else find this picture hillarious?

Politicians/ in the debate/ Politicians made of ticky tacky / Politicians, politicians, politicians all the same

There's a white man/ and a white man/ and a white man/ and another one/ and they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same

OK -- This one was just for good fun. No real commentary here, I just think it is hilarious to line up seven old white men in dark suits on the same stage. And particularly given the camera angle, it;s hard to tell them apart.

OK -- enough fun and games. One of the greatest Hugo Chavez moments happened today, but I'm a bit behind at the moment. So keep you ear close to the ground and your eyes peeles to your RSS readers, 'cause that post is a-coming 'round the mountain when she comes.

06 December 2007

Making fun of the wires

<--Security Forces in France wear a variety of uniforms. Some wear green. Some wear black. There is a car in the background with its headlights on. The car is read. Jesus writing is hard!

You remember how on the SATs and like standardized tests you would get questions with extraneous information, just to see if you were paying attention? Stuff like:
There are 5 red balls in a bag. There are 10 yellow balls. There are three green balls and it is partly cloudy with a 60% chance of snow. How many more yellow balls are there than red balls?
Well, reading the first news reports of stories that just hit the wire can be sort of like that. The BBC is reporting that a postal bomb has killed one and injured five at a law office in central Paris:
The former law firm of President Nicolas Sarkozy is located in the same building as the office where the device exploded, at 52 Boulevard Malesherbes.
Holy shit! Some crazy lefty bombed Sarozy's old Law Offices?! Two paragraphs later:
French officials said the parcel bomb exploded on the fourth floor - not the one where Mr Sarkozy's old firm is located.
Oh. Nevermind. But wait:
The building also houses The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah - a Holocaust remembrance body.
Those anti-Semitic French bastards! Oh, wait. Apparently the bomb wasn't targeting them either:
It was addressed to the law office of Catherine Gouet-Jenselme, AFP reported. It was not clear why she may have been the target of an attack.
You get the feeling like some editor told some staff reporter to file a 500 word article, and he only could come up with 250? I mean, writing the wire stories has got to be a hard task, but is it too much to ask for only the relevant information?

03 December 2007

CNN: You have hit new lows

Is it just me or is this picture lifted straight out of an Abercrombie and Fitch catalog?

Must be a real slow news day when you run this:


I'm so glad that there is no other news today of any importance. Hell! At this point I'd even go for another story on this MySpace suicide.