24 August 2007

Take it off, Mr. President!

Well, I didn't meet Anderson Cooper on my vacations, but thanks to M and GoogleNews, I have found the perfect news story to welcome me back. M sent me this article from the India-based TimesNow.
Yep. Vladimir Putin without his shirt on.

Now that is pretty sexy, but let's leave it to the U.S. media to really provide the classy context that we the people need to fully understand this important news item. First things first: no partial shots. Give me the full body shot of Vladdy P:
But wait. Barak Obama is from Hawai'i. We must have at least one shot of him in a sexy bathing suit:
And to be fair and balanced, if there is one of a sexy liberal politician who campaigns on the theme of hope, we need one of a picture of an evil conservative fatty who nearly destroyed the world. (Yeah. I went there during election season):
And, of course, what discussion of sexy world leaders would be complete without the mac daddy himself, the Pimp in Chief, the Man, the Legend, William Jefferson Clinton:
Hmm. Actually, he looks a bit flabby in that 1993 shot of him. A bit Reagan-esque if I may (that's twice, for those counting my Reagan baching). But wait. He is still The Comeback Kid:
OH YOU SEXY BEAST! Nineteen-Ninety-Eight is your year boy. And Hildog is showing off her future Presidential aspirations here as well. (As an aside, the scary part is that it was just suggested to me that Hillary could pull off a one-piece if the current contenders held a bathing suit contest.)

So there you have it. ABC wins the most ridiculous news analysis of the --

--wait, I'm sorry. I'm getting late word (courtesy of M) that a new contender has won the title. Hit me with your best shot AP/Pravda:

Komsomolskaya Pravda reported that women who visited its Web site posted comments on Putin's "vigorous torso" and said they "were screaming with delight and showering (him) with compliments."

Russian gay chat rooms and blogs were particularly intrigued by the photos: Some claimed that Putin, by stripping to his waist, was somehow pleading for more tolerance of homosexuality in Russia - where gays and lesbians are for the most part forced to remain closeted.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!

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