Sarah Palin is apparently accusing Obama of being friends with, gasp, a Palestinian! And not just any ole Palestinian, but a leading Palestinian academic who wrote the book on the history of Palestinian Identity. Now I'm not going to rant about the (de)merits of this accusation. But I will rant on CNN's reporting of it. Take the following sentence:
Khalidi has been a harsh critic of U.S. foreign policy toward Israel and has accused the country of "occupying" Palestinian territories.Now for starters, CNN needs to learn how to write. From the writing, it is unclear whether "the country" of the second clause refers to Israel or the U.S.
Holy crap! He accuses Israel of occupying the Palestinian territories? Let's see if we can drum up any other radical terrorist-oriented groups that consider Israel as being an occupying force:
- The United Nations
- The European Union
- The International Committee of the Red Cross
- The U.S. Government (yes, including the Bush Administration)
- Every Government of Israel since Ariel Sharon
Seriously. Does CNN even try anymore? From now on, I only watch FoxNews!