21 March 2007

In a smackdown, don't forget your grammar


So, in what is shaping up as a wonderful intra-party fight, Rush Limbaugh and the Governator at at each other's throats. CNN reports that Limbaugh fired the opening salvo:

It was a shot aimed at Limbaugh's loaded term for Schwarzenegger -- "closet liberal."

"I don't know what happened to Arnold," the conservative talker said on his radio show. "He obviously didn't have the leadership skills to articulate conservative principles and win over the public as Reagan did."

But as anyone who has seen Terminator or Kindergarden Cop knows, you do not mess with Arnold:

And then came California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who frankly told "The Today Show" Tuesday that "Limbaugh is irrelevant."

"I'm not his servant," Schwarzenegger said. "I am the people's servant of California."

Now don't misunderstand me: I love the smackdown. And I know that English can be a difficult language to learn, and I usually don't pick on people for whom English is not their first language; after all, my Spanish is chock full of grammatical errors. But Arnold is the governor of the largest state in our fair union, and as such I think he needs to set a better example for the children. Why won't anyone consider poor Jimmy and Janey at home?

Arnold is not "the people's servant of California," a designation that makes him sound like he is a communist government's regional appointee. Rather, he is the people of California's servant. I expect a written apology to the rest of the nation by the end of the day.


Anonymous said...

Yeah... if you want to get really technical, he just made it sound as though he's the servant from California of the "people" (whether they're from California or not is sort of unclear... maybe the CA communist regional government?)

Shawn said...

Just warning you... you criticize Ah-nold's grammar at your own peril.