18 April 2007

You're kidding me!

<-- William Shatner is now .001 cents richer.

So I usually am not too interested in the sci-tech section of the newspaper (yeah, I know I read the news online but it doesn't have the same impact when you say "the sci-tech section of news outlets' websites). I mean, I get wooed as much as anyone, but unlike the real news sections I don't care enough to learn more than is reported in the stories. So long as none of my technology fails and I can get a nifty new gadget every couple of years, I live and let live.

But the BBC has just cross the line:

British scientists are planning to see whether a Star Trek-style deflector shield could be built to protect astronauts from radiation.

No, I did not just make that up. They explain the importance of engaging the deflector shields thusly:

There are a variety of risks facing future space explorers, not least of which is the cancer-causing radiation encountered when missions venture beyond the protective magnetic envelope, or magnetosphere, which shields the Earth against these energetic particles.

Shockingly, they did not raise the possibility that radiation could give you super-powers.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Chinese internet has let me access blogs (not through shady proxies for a change), and I just want to publicly say that this may very well be the funniest thing ever. And I've seen Cool As Ice, so that's saying a lot.