29 December 2008

Some Decent News Reporting and Stupid Zionist Argument #726: Every Other Country Would Do the Same

First off: Holy crap! That was a real interview! It wasn't full of softballs, nor was it full of gotchya bullshit questions. It was respectful, yet pressing. Gillerman got to speak and express his opinions, yet was not allowed to assert blatent falsehoods unchallenges. US media, please note. This is how you do an interview.

Now then, on to more important things. As Israel (aided and abetted by, among others, the U.S., Egypt, and Fatah) continues killing hundreds of Palestinians for no discernible reason, Israel has launched a full out international media blitz intent on avoiding a repeat of Lebanon, where they only killed 1,200 people and injured another 5000 (most of whom were civilians, even if you go by Israel's numbers) before international pressure forced them to back down.

So far, it seems that their main line of argumentation is that any other country faced with a similar situation would react the same way. Discounting that, as the Al-Jazeera reporter points out, there are few comparable situations, we in fact have several situations that occurred very recently with which to compare this with.

Case 1) India. In India, a terrorist group with ties to Pakistan recently launched terrorist attacks that resulted in the deaths of 170 people, and the injury of scores more. Moreover, they specifically targeted British and American tourists, a clear act of war. Despite this, neither India, the U.S., nor Great Britain have taken military action against Pakistan or Lashka-e-Toibar, and have in fact worked closely in order to acoid military escalation.

Case 2) U.S. military interventions. Currently, the U.S. is involved in military escapades in both Iraq and Afghanistan. In both situations, the U.S. has accused a neighboring country of cross-border interventions: in the case of Iraq, the U.S. accuses Iran of supporting and arming militants, and in Afghanistan, the U.S. has accused Pakistan of not doing enough to prevent Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants. The U.S. has taken no action against Iran. In Afghanistan, the U.S. has come under heavy pressure for violating Pakistani sovereignty and for causing excessive civilian casualties. Still, the level of U.S. bombing in Pakistan and the resulting number of civilian casualties, certainly does not amount to anything close to what Israel has done in 72 hours. And the threat posed by the targeted militants is certainly far greater.

It seems the far easier comparisons to make are of places like Bosnia/Kosovo, Sudan/Dafur, Turkey/PKK, etc. All of these are places where the territory in question is controlled by another, in which excessive force was used, and which were harshly condemned by the international community. (Note: I am not trying to claim that these are equivalent situations. Each has their own unique circumstances and histories and must be understood as such, but they no doubt make a better comparative case than "what if the US was being bombed by Canada" type arguments)

So, let's close with the second decent interview I have seen since this whole thing started. Here's Serge Brzezinski, schooling Joe Scarborough. Interviewees on American News TV: please note how Brzezinski keeps a calm cool demeanor and carefuly explains his position using factual, not bizarrely hypothetical, arguments.

21 December 2008

Brilliant! How did we not think of this strategy sooner?!

The BBC has the future leaders of Israel's foolproof scheme for winning the War on Terrorism in their country:

Israeli leaders 'to topple Hamas'

Damn. Wy didn;t anyone think of that before. Just topple them. So Brilliant. And I thought our politics were screwy.

17 December 2008

I screaming in Internet Time to Fire Headline Writer: Me

<--Crazy Man, or just crazy headline? Both, as it turns out.

Headlines are important. They allow the reader to easily scan the newspaper, or internets, to decide whether a story is worth reading, or whether you will spend the next 20 minutes finding out what Angelina Jolie said.

Now I am not one to normally pick on the blogosphere, but HuffingtonPost is becoming a respected source of political information. So imagine my reaction when, skimming their headlines, I should run across this gem:

George Tenet Screamed About Jews In Saudi Prince's Pool: Book

What the heck was Tenet doing in teh Saudi Prince's Pool. And what does "Book" have to do with anything?
The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg offers an interesting excerpt from "A World Of Trouble," a forthcoming book by Patrick Tyler on the White House and the Middle East. In this scene, CIA director George Tenet, drunk on scotch at Saudi Prince Bandar's pool, rants about Bush administration "Jews" who are "setting me up" to take the fall for the false WMD claims
Maybe they should hire some NYPost headline writers

14 December 2008

Damn. Bush can move!

Look at him duck those shoes!


Some days, I think I'm going to miss that guy.

EDIT: Here is the YouTube:

18 November 2008

One last goodbye to Ted Stevens

The AP, CNN, and NYTimes have all called Alaska's Senate seat for Mark Begich, meaning that the single worst Senator in the country, Ted Stevens, is going to be a private citizen as of Jan. 1st. But let us not forget what we have lost:

Or if you prefer your news Stewart-style:

Adieu Stevens. You will be missed.

As for you Mark Begich: well, you're the first Democratic senator from Alaska since Mike Gravel. That's some mighty big shoes to fill. I mean, the guy did leak the Pentagon Papers and all, but that's not what I'm talking about. If history is any guids, in 30 years Mark Begich will be doing this:

29 October 2008

CNN commits journalistic malpractice

Sarah Palin is apparently accusing Obama of being friends with, gasp, a Palestinian! And not just any ole Palestinian, but a leading Palestinian academic who wrote the book on the history of Palestinian Identity. Now I'm not going to rant about the (de)merits of this accusation. But I will rant on CNN's reporting of it. Take the following sentence:

Khalidi has been a harsh critic of U.S. foreign policy toward Israel and has accused the country of "occupying" Palestinian territories.
Now for starters, CNN needs to learn how to write. From the writing, it is unclear whether "the country" of the second clause refers to Israel or the U.S.

Holy crap! He accuses Israel of occupying the Palestinian territories? Let's see if we can drum up any other radical terrorist-oriented groups that consider Israel as being an occupying force:

Seriously. Does CNN even try anymore? From now on, I only watch FoxNews!

15 October 2008

Way Too Far

I am sick and tired of these gutter politics. These insane, baseless attack ads, these horrid accusations, and these Washington politicians that will say and do anything to win, without any regard for the social fabric of our nation.

Now don't get me wrong. I enjoy the political season. You want to tell me McCain can't send an email. Fine. You want to tell me Barack Obama is a terrorist who wants to molest your children. Fine. But there are limits. And this is just a Bridge to Nowhere too far. The Communist Times is reporting:

Speaking before the Alaska governor was Shonda Schilling, wife of the Red Sox right-hander Curt Schilling. While Curt hasn’t pitched all year because of an injured shoulder, his wife was happy to pitch John McCain and Ms. Palin at Salem High School. She compared supporters of Barack Obama to that most heinous of hardball partisans, Yankee fans (”Boooo”).

“They’re good people,” Mrs. Schilling said graciously of Obama supporters. “They just root for the wrong team.”
Now let's get one thing straight. The BoSox don't support no Palin-McCain administration! The Red Sox believe in the Change we Need, like a Change from the evil of the New York Yankees. Now I'm not trying to claim that the BoSox actively support Obama, but just that the sacred realm of baseball should never be mixed up with the profane world of politics.


21 September 2008


I probably should have known about this earlier...

19 September 2008

About Freaking Time!

Post Coming up about Chavez when I get the time too!

10 September 2008

Obama Strategy Memo

Dear Barack Obama:

Look. I know that the polls right now are in bounce mode and that you are getting all sorts of unjustified panic-style criticism, most of which is probably undeserved. And far be it from this blog to fan the flames with any gross sarcasm or crude humor, but I thouht I'd take this time to give out a little free advice that I am sure no one will read.

Stop trying to tie McCain to Bush. It isn't working and its not going to work. Especially when you make teh argument using what can best be described as "fuzzy math" (Yes, some random organization claimed McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time, but Biden voted with Bush 70% of the time).

Instead, take a lesson from 2004 and start trying to tie John McCain to John McCain. He has been in the senate for how long? And how many stupid things has he said during that time? Bring them back up. All of them. His statements of Roe, his Savings and Loans scandal, taxes, etc, etc, etc.

The simple fact is that people don't know John McCain. They think McCain and they think about his recent anti-earmarks and campaign finance reform. A fair number of people still think McCain is pro-choice for Christ's sake! America doesn't really know what a John McCain presidency would look like.

Show them.

McCain successfully rallied his base with the Palin pick, so there's no worrying about energizing his base by painting him as an extreme conservative. And it fits beautifully into this "McCain is out of touch with America" line that is probably the Obama team's best attack line of the campaign so far. So get cracking.


29 August 2008

Does John McCain have Graphic Designers on the Payroll?

First off, to my one fan, sorry the posts have been so (nonexistantly) slow lately. Things have been busy on my side, and mostly n other lanuages.

Secondly, does John McCain have a graphic designer on the payroll? Look, I'm not saying that political campaigns are won and lost on aesthetics alone, but as anyone familiar with the infamous Kennedy-Nixon debate, or for that matter the first two Bush-Gore debates, can tell you appearance in politics matters. Hell, its one of the reasons why shorter cnadidates always negotiate for higher platforms during standing debates, so America perceives them as being the same height as their opponent.

Now we all know that Brand Obama has been phenomenal. I mean, you know it took some top-tier Madison Avenue graphic designer to design this:

This is admittadly a minor detail of a political campaign, but one that should not be dismissed, particularly by Democrats. Case in point, Walter Mondale's 1988 political logo:As pointed out in some NPR story rom a while back that I am too lazy to dig up, Mondale's biggest mistake was making Ferraro's name as large as his own. In addition to just being a bland design, you an;t really tell by looking at it who is meant to be President and who is teh Veep (or is it just some dude named "Mondale Ferraro" running? Sounds like a good name for a mid-morning talk show).

Now today, Sen. John McCain named Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his Veep candidate. It's a really weird choice, not least of which is that it undercuts his most successful line of attack against Obama: that he is unready to lead. Can Obama really be called inexperienced if a 72 year old man (happy birthday today) with a history of health problems chooses Palin to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency? But this is an aside. What concerns me, as you have probably guessed by now is the logo.

Now before we look at McCain-Palin gear, let's take a look at how the pros do it:

Notice the sexy. In addition to all the tradition Obama-logo elements, Biden's name is slightly smaller and is light blue, deemphasizing Biden. You look at this thing and you immediately know who is in charge. Conservative bloggers site this as evidence of Obama's alleged ego:
The font color was a deliberate choice by the designers. Why not both names in stark white, the better to be seen clearly? It’s almost as though the Obama campaign wants to de-emphasize Biden
Holy Crap! A Presidential campaign placing more emphasis on the guy who will be President than the one who will be mostly going to state funerals? Cuh-razy.

Now let's take a look at McCain-Palin logo:

OK. So you got the McCain military-star logo (although MR never tires of pointing out the disturbing similarity to the McCain food company logo). But then you have the candidates names in the exact same size. Palin is already a gifted and energetic speaker -- two things McCain is not. Why in the world would you make a logo like this for a candidate who, if she doesn't trip up on the big stage -- already has the potential to overshadow you in public speaches?

Admittadly, the lighter background near Palin's name is a nice touch to the whole thing, drawing the eye upwards a bit towards the McCain name, but then the bottom third is a big blue mess with URL. It's sort of like they glued two different button together. Weird.

Anyways, I know its not the biggest thing in the world, and I'm no expert in graphic design: just my two cents. But hey, if you wanted reasoned, serious political analysis you would have gone to FoxNews.

04 July 2008

Les Actualités

Je suis dans l'école français de la Université du Middlebury pour 7 semaines. Donc, je toujours lis beaucoup les journaux français.

Selon Le Monde, le chef de la magistrature d'Angleterre a dit que le loi charia peut être un part de la loi de son pays. Ça m'intéresse moins. Ce que m'intéresse c'est le photo:

Cet un homme sérieux?

18 June 2008

An Awesome Birthday Present

Dear America:

Thank you for the awesome birthday present. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but if I could ask one thing it would be that you continue these trends through November.


(allof the following are courtesy of pollster.com, the best way for a news-obsessed junkie to procrastinate)

American Research Group

New Hampshire
Obama 51, McCain 39

Obama 49, McCain 44

Public Policy Polling (D)

Obama 47, McCain 45
Sen: Warner (D) 59, Gilmore (R) 28


Obama 47, McCain 42

Quinnipiac University

Obama 47, McCain 43

Obama 48, McCain 42

Obama 52, McCain 40

03 May 2008

Best Research Tool Ever.

...And I do emphasize tool.

Apparently researchers at Duke's Fuqua School of Business (a great GSB name, by the way) have done a study on the connection between seeing corporate logos for intervals short enough so that they make a subliminal impression, and creativity. The Cult of Mac blog reports:

The researchers conducted a number of experiments, one of which was showing the logos for fractions of a second to create a subliminal impression, and in all cases those who’d seen the Apple logo scored higher on standardized creativity tests than those who’d seen the IBM logo or no logos at all.

Let me just repeat this. People who see an Apple logo do better on standardized tests of creativity. Standardized tests of creativity. If anyone can explain to me how you quantify creativity, push those quantities into a bell curve, and do a standard deviation analysis of those quantified creativities please let me know.

Now playing: Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science
via FoxyTunes

Operation Smile and Hope

No, the title of this post is not Barack Obama's campaign slogan for next week. Al Jazeera is reporting that it the actual military codename for deployment of Palestinian national security forces in Jenin.

You know you're dealing with a brutal occupation when the deployment of national guardsmen is a cause for smile and hope. But of course:
Israel has emphasised that "ultimate security responsibility will remain in Israel's hands"

18 April 2008

Let's start a baseless conspiracy!

One of these guys is the leader of the terrorist group Hizb'alla. The other is a successful Hollywood actor who has appeared on the cover of People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive issue multiple times. Can you tell who is who?

I'm just saying. Email your friends.

10 April 2008

Lies! Damn Lies and Statistics!

As an avid reader of the news, I've recently taken to following the constant train of polls on this election. Now polling is tricky. Some polls, like the national McCain v. Obama or McCain v. Clinton polls are certainly meaningless at this point in the election. And other polls that should have been meaningful, like the NH and IA polls, just plain sucked. But at least they sucked consistently. What drves me nuts is the polls coming out of PA. For those of you not quite as crazy as I am on this, here is a rundown of the last few days of polling in PA, courtesy of pollster.com (the table is date/ sample size/ Clinton/ Obama/ undecided):

InsiderAdvantage 4/8/08 681 LV 48 38 13
PPP (D) 4/7-8/08 1124 LV 46 43 11
Rasmussen 4/7/08 730 LV 48 43 9
SurveyUSA 4/5-7/08 597 LV 56 38 2
ARG 4/5-6/08 600 LV 45 45 6

So let's see Clinton is up by 10 points, 3 points, 5 points, 18 points, or not at all. Now look: I'm as big of a fan of the margin of error as anyone. But these are absurd! Especially since the "undecided" column really doesn't differ that much between the tied poll and the 18 point lead poll, nor between the ten and three point poll.

I think maybe all of Pennsylvania is just fucking with us. Like they had a big meeting and they said: "hey y'all. Know what would be hella-tight? If, like, a fifth of the state decided to answer pollster's questions differently just for the hell of it. That'll keep 'em guessing!"

(So I don't know what PA slang is like. So what?).

24 March 2008

Stupid argument #219

It's time to address an argument that seems to be growing increasingly common. I first remember hearing this argument in the wake of 9/11. I thought it would go away, but it unfortunately seems to have implanted itself firmly in common discourse by now.

I'm on the (Dis)HonestReporting listhost. Why? Because I'm a masochist mostly. In their latest 'communique,' HR made exemplified this brilliant argument:
While freedom of speech requires a degree of responsibility that is sometimes lacking in blogs, reputable news services are compelled to comply with much higher standards.
Freedom of speech requires a degree of responsibility, eh? Let me consult with my favorite constitutional expert, Ice-T:

29 February 2008

The Holocaust: From 'Never Again' to 'We Will Holocaust You'

Just in case there was any doubt that Israel is targeting civilians in Gaza, Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai decided to clear things up. According to the BBC:
Speaking on Israel Army Radio, Mr Vilnai said if Palestinians increased rocket fire, they will bring upon themselves what he called a "shoah" - a Hebrew word for catastrophe, and for the Nazi Holocaust.
Nah -- he couldn't have said that, could he? I mean, the BBC doesn't give the exact quote, and, while they haven;t sunk quite as low as US mass media, they do have a spotty history. What was the exact quote?

The more qassam fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer range, they (the Palestinians) will bring upon themselves a bigger shoah because we will use all our might to defend ourselves (Source: Telegraph)
Nope, he actually said it.

Now some would assume that a threat to commit genocide would go somewhat noticed by the world, especially given how infrequently the word shoah is used in Israeli public life to refer to anything other than the Holocaust (nor, as I am being informed, in prescriptive policy making). And it ain't like this is some back-bencher. This is the Deputy Defense Minister, a high-ranking government official.

But no, CNN needs to have a fluff piece on Sderot. Not that I don't sympathize with the people of Sderot, but somehow I think that one death in nine months is not actually more significant than genocide. Crazy me.

28 February 2008

How I will be occupying my time, until March 4th

Slate has come out with the single greatest time wasting device any political junky could ever wish for.

Check it out.

25 February 2008

What does this quote mean?

<--What and uncanny resemblance!

NYTimes is running yet another article on the latest opinion polls. I guess they finally realized that numbers don't tell you everything, so they are doing follow up interviews with certain respondents to supplement the polls. Here's what one Obama supporter had to say:
“He’s from Illinois, and I’m from Illinois, and he reminds me of Abraham Lincoln,” said Dylan Jones, 53, a laborer from Oxford, N.C., who was interviewed in a follow-up to the poll. “I can see him out there splitting rails. I don’t have anything against Hillary Clinton, so I guess it’s because he’s new blood.”
Um...did you know Abraham Lincoln? I mean, I'm a fan of the O as well, but he reminds you of Abraham Lincoln? Just how old are you, Dylan Jones of Oxford, NC, anyway?

Seriously, can anyone tell me what this means?

Bonus points for the first one to do a good Lloyd Bentsen imitation.

Join the Comitte for Minimal Democracy Today!


This is an urgent telegram to all supporters of the Minimal Democracy Movement (MDM) //

It appears that Ralph Nader is running for President// I repeat, Ralph Nader is running for President//

Mr. Nader represets the greatest threat to the MDM ever, ever// He got 411,304 votes, roughly 1%, in the last election// Even worse: he got 2.74% of the vote in 2000. That makes him solely responsible for the loss of a sitting vice-president of a wildly popular administration// This madman must be stopped// This time, he may garner upwards of .5% of the vote//

Supporter of MDM// Gather your gear and stop this man before Americans have more than the minimal number of candidates possible!// We must protect our minimal democracy, lest it become a full-fledged democracy!

** End Transmission**

Seriously people, what's with all the Nader Hate? You just put an irrlevant man into his third day in the news cycle.

23 February 2008

Obama: You're on notice

So Barack Obama and Hill-Dog debated yet again last week. It was pretty blah. Obama seems like he is finally learning to do stuff like plug in stump speech and not trip over himself. But then he said this:

Did he just suggest that intense debate on immigration causes hate crimes against Latinos? That all we need to do is "tone down the rhetoric" and magically all the nationalist Know-Nothings are going to vanish? For real?

18 February 2008

Help Me!

OK. The News has been a little slow lately. Which is surprising given that there is a U.S. election campaign, Israel is more or less committing genocide in Gaza, Pakistan is voting, and who the heck knows what else. But nonetheless, the news is slow. So I thought I'd do something different.

I think I'm gonna throw out one of those world issues that I have no idea what to do with: Kosovo. Kosovo recently declared independence, with the backing of the U.S., UK, and most of Western Europe. Meanwhile, Serbia, backed by Russia, most of the old Warsaw Pact and, strangely enough, Spain (I guess they are worried about Basque country following suit?).

Honestly, I don't really know where to come down on this one. On the one hand, self-determination and all that. On the other hand international law and all that, not that international law on the founding of new states is all that clear. So I guess this one is open to whomever wants to comment. Go for it.

31 January 2008

Then again, maybe Jim Crow just moved:

Last post, I made fun of CNN for apparently not realizing that Jim Crow laws were no longer in effect. Turns out I misspoke (miswrote?). As luck would have it, Jim Crow is alive and well. Ha’aretz is reporting that:
The Yemin Yehuda non-profit association has begun building 200 housing units in the Shimon Hatzaddik compound, in the heart of East Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarra neighborhood. In the process, the organization intends to demolish the homes of dozens of Palestinian families who live there.
Ah. So you demolish the homes of Palestinians in order to build Jews-only neighborhoods. But why would anyone enact such a blatantly racist project?
This neighborhood is in a strategic location: If Yemin Yehuda completes its plan, it will cut the Old City off from the Palestinian neighborhoods in northern Jerusalem.
As a complete non-sequitar, the Oxford English Dictionary (membership required) defines 'ethnic cleansing' as:
The purging, by mass expulsion or killing, of one ethnic or religious group by another, esp. from an area of former cohabitation. Cf. earlier *CLEANSING vbl. n.
Meanwhile, all of Israel is trying to figure out what to do with Jerusalem. So, they launch a survey, and find:
Only 16 percent of Israeli Jews think that Diaspora Jewry should be involved in decisions on the future of Jerusalem, according to a poll commissioned by the Shalem Center's Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies.
OK. So far so good: Jews who are not citizens of Israel have no business deciding national affairs. I’m optimistic, so let’s continue:
However, most Israeli Jews also oppose leaving the decision solely to the government: Only 5 percent of the 500 respondents thought the prime minister was entitled to decide Jerusalem's fate, and only 13 percent were willing to let the cabinet and Knesset make this choice. Fully 34 percent said it should be made by all Israeli citizens, and 32 percent thought it should be made by all Israeli Jews. (emphasis added).
I don’t know what to be more amazed by: that one third of Israeli citizens think that 1 in 5 of their fellow citizens should have no say in what is quite possibly the most important and contentious national issue, or the fact that the person who designed the survey thought it prudent to include an option in the multiple-choice response survey that says 20% of citizens are second-class citizens.

PS. The irony of Jim Crow laws being used against Jews in the U.S. is both acknowledged and intentional.

26 January 2008

Holy Crap! Jim Crow Ended?!

This post is proof positive that I am having a bad influence on my friends. Shawn (Year Of The Rats and Probably Too Late To Read fame) sent me a CNN article featuring this quote:
After a week of at times bitter campaigning, Sen. Barack Obama faces a crucial test of his support from within the party Saturday as South Carolina Democrats head to the polls in a race that features black voters for the first time this presidential primary season.
Pssst. CNN. I really hate to be the one to tell you this, but the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act were passed in 1964 and 1965 respectively. Black people have been voting in this country for quite some time.

22 January 2008

CNN: The most offensive name is news

<-- Dude. Check it out! Diversity-rific!

I’ve resisted commenting on the absurdity of the ID politics game in the Democratic primaries thus far, mostly due to laziness and the lack of a really great article. Thanks to CNN, I no longer have that problem/excuse:
Gender or race: Black women voters face tough choices in S.C.
The article is everything you could ever hope for. Normally, would be making a snarky comment here, but this article was just so offensive that CNN actually ran another article to highlight the snarky reactions of others to their own article. So, without any shame, I defer (read: plagirize) from Michael:
Since Edwards no longer officially exists, as a white male I face the same choice - either I vote my race (Clinton) or my gender (Obama). Or I could just pick the candidate based on who I think would be best,"
Couldn’t have said it better myself.

17 January 2008

Contender for worst context paragraph of the year award:

As my regular readers (reader?) probably have figure out by now, I read a whole lot of terribly written news stories. But no matte how jaded I get, every now and then I still find myself shocked. Enter Ha’aretz:
Nearing the Nevada caucus, polls bear a similarity to those from Iowa two weeks before its vote. While the media is now occupied with covering the Obama-Clinton race, Senator Barack Obama is in the lead, with Senator Hillary Clinton in second and closely followed by Senator John Edwards. In Iowa, it ended with Obama first and Edwards second. It was a situation akin to that Seinfeld episode, "The Other Guy," where George, Jerry and Elaine remember Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo but cannot remember the name of Jose Carreras, the third member of the Three Tenors.
Ha’aretz: newspaper or after-work-bar-magazine? You decide.

As for me? I’m trying to decide whether this represents a new brand of populist news, in which case it is oddly appropriate that the inaugural article be about John Edwards, or whether to start mourning the death of news reporting. Maybe both.

14 January 2008

If you are going to be a pundit...

...don't make errors in the title of your book. I mean, can't Lou Dobbs afford a freakin' editor? Or have illegal immigrants monopolized that industry?

Look: I know it isn't the biggest problem with Dobbs, but apparently he wants us to take him seriously. Yet how are we to do so when he can't eve punctuate the title of his book properly? Before we get of of the cover, we already have something wrong with this book.

I get the play on Independence Day. But do you suddenly pronounce Independents' differently from Independents? Presumably the title is meant to imply that the day belongs to the Independents, whoever they may be.

03 January 2008

9:00 PM: I'm right, but I'm wrong. And I'm happy all around.

WOOHOOOOO!!!! I have never been so happy to be so wrong.

With 91% of Democratic precincts reporting, it looks like my man, Barack Obama is gonna win by a landslide. As for Clinton? Looks like she is coming out third.

On the Republican side, it looks like Huckabee by a landslide, as I predicted. And, the suprise of the night is that, with 72% reporting, Ron Paul has 10.1%. Will he pull the 10% mark as I predicted? Stay tuned...

New Feature: Caucus Predictions

OK: It's been a crazy couple of days, and a crazier caucus season. Now that they are all inside, and in 15 minutes the doors will be locked and no one will be allowed out until they have a decision, it is time for some random predictions:

Democrats: I hope I'm wrong, but I am predicting a Clinton victory, on the strength of her organization on the ground. Obama's only chance is a rediculously high voter turnout and a lot of luck. I think Edwards will come in third.

Republicans: Again, not quite sure where to go with this one. I'm going to say that Huckabee will pull it off, despite himself. Again, not sure on this and caucus rules favor the frontrunner much more on the GOP side than on the Democratic side. My shocking pick of the night though: I think you will see Ron Paul poll higher than expected, maybe as high as 10%. The big questions left are whether Thompson or McCain will come in third. I think it will be Thompson, but watch out if it is McCain. The other big question is whether Guiliani will place last (I think he will), and if it will hurt him (I think it will again).

There you have it. Now let's sit back and enjoy seeing me gloat or hang my head in shame in a few hours.