30 April 2007

It all comes together...

So I am up late at night and being a good patriotic citizen of these here United States, I am of course trying to learn everything I can about our enemies: The Terrorists. So I am scouring the Afghanistan-Pakistan border using Google Earth (in case the CIA missed UBL) and GAIMing with my fellow civilian terrorist hunters (heroes, for short), when what should I come across on Google News (yes, Google is the best line of defense we heroes have against the terrorists) but this CNN article:

American says he trained terrorists, cheered videos of 9/11

I, a good Patriotic citizen, naturally start reading so that I may add to my already extensive list of targets for profiling. Let's see here: Mr. Terrorist is a man, of Pakistani descent, educated in Britain...so far we fit the stereotypes, er, I mean profile. But wait, here is a little interesting tidbit:
The slightly built Yankees fan from Queens described how he mingled with radicals from the fall of 2001, when he quit a job as a computer programmer and left New York for Lahore -- saying he was radicalized by the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan.

As an unselfish hero who dedicates his life to searching for terrorists, I hereby call upon the U.S. government to take extra security measures against Yankee fans. For years I have been saying they are pure evil, and now we have incontrovertible proof! I will not stop until every Yankee fan is strip searched at airports, stopped randomly at traffic lights, and made to be a minor bad-guy on "24" who actually works for the Russians.

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