22 January 2008

CNN: The most offensive name is news

<-- Dude. Check it out! Diversity-rific!

I’ve resisted commenting on the absurdity of the ID politics game in the Democratic primaries thus far, mostly due to laziness and the lack of a really great article. Thanks to CNN, I no longer have that problem/excuse:
Gender or race: Black women voters face tough choices in S.C.
The article is everything you could ever hope for. Normally, would be making a snarky comment here, but this article was just so offensive that CNN actually ran another article to highlight the snarky reactions of others to their own article. So, without any shame, I defer (read: plagirize) from Michael:
Since Edwards no longer officially exists, as a white male I face the same choice - either I vote my race (Clinton) or my gender (Obama). Or I could just pick the candidate based on who I think would be best,"
Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Unknown said...

Did you see the video of Bill Clinton telling the press how worthless they are for beating the race issue to death?

Jonah said...

Yeah I did! It totally made me want to jump Slick Willy. He sounded so great. Classic Bill.

Though, bizarrely enough, CNN reported it as Clinton 'angrily' lashing out at the press. Seemed pretty calm to me.

Unknown said...

I'm always so sad that i can't vote for him. So instead...Ralph Wiggum all the way.