29 February 2008

The Holocaust: From 'Never Again' to 'We Will Holocaust You'

Just in case there was any doubt that Israel is targeting civilians in Gaza, Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai decided to clear things up. According to the BBC:
Speaking on Israel Army Radio, Mr Vilnai said if Palestinians increased rocket fire, they will bring upon themselves what he called a "shoah" - a Hebrew word for catastrophe, and for the Nazi Holocaust.
Nah -- he couldn't have said that, could he? I mean, the BBC doesn't give the exact quote, and, while they haven;t sunk quite as low as US mass media, they do have a spotty history. What was the exact quote?

The more qassam fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer range, they (the Palestinians) will bring upon themselves a bigger shoah because we will use all our might to defend ourselves (Source: Telegraph)
Nope, he actually said it.

Now some would assume that a threat to commit genocide would go somewhat noticed by the world, especially given how infrequently the word shoah is used in Israeli public life to refer to anything other than the Holocaust (nor, as I am being informed, in prescriptive policy making). And it ain't like this is some back-bencher. This is the Deputy Defense Minister, a high-ranking government official.

But no, CNN needs to have a fluff piece on Sderot. Not that I don't sympathize with the people of Sderot, but somehow I think that one death in nine months is not actually more significant than genocide. Crazy me.

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